Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Home Business Reviewers - Why they suck

Apparently there is a new snake on the prowl in the world of home based businesses, and it's the home based business reviewers. These folks claim to have reviewed home based business opportunities and tell you the truth on which ones work and which ones don't work. So I've been suckered in by a lot of these home based businesses in the past, actually, just about every time I see an infomercial after a couple drinks I'll dial up and order. But last night I decided to do a little research before making my wine induced purchase, and check online for scam reports, and I came across some of these home based business reviewers sites.

So I find one at, and wow do they have a lot of information about different products, what they think, what works, what doesn't, what their thoughts are etc. So as I'm looking through the site for a review on my "new opportunity" I notice that on every page there is an advertisement for a product that these folks are obviously an affiliate for...Wow, so these guys have tested all this stuff and this is the only one that works - I'm hooked - guess I'll have to follow the link and check out the product. So I do, and guess what, it's a scam. Basically, you buy a teaser product for 20 bucks (an e-book) and then read through it and it's the same information that's in every other e-book related to home based businesses I have read. Oh, guess what else, on the last page of the book it offers to sell you another set of products that will make you money hand over fist...blah...blah....blah. Really, are you serious, this is the new angle to try to get you to buy stuff and to make affiliate cash - you have got to be kidding me.

Of course everyone is honest and trying help/look out for you - d'bags. Yeah, I'm dumb, and fell for it, and you know what I realized - I've tried every one of the products that this punk has also so I'm going to start a blog to not only post reviews of those products, but I'm going to start by reviewing the so called reviewers to expose them.I am sick of all these guys, and I'm sick of being ripped off, and I'm sick of consumer agencies not dipping into this space to regulate this industry.

You know what it is, it's home based business porn. We'll start by giving you a membership to our site, then we'll upgrade you to the cool package so you can have streaming video, but if you really want we'll give you the mega platinum package that includes everything (even 24/7 support, and a coach :) ) payable in one easy installment of 10 grand.

So here's what you can expect from me...If this blog gets traffic of course I'm going to try to monetize it and make a little extra cash - I'll tell you that up front ,but I will never advertise or link to any of these sites - period. If it works I'll tell you it works but I'll configure the name so it's not a link like above with the home based business review .com, but I'm willing to bet a lot of them don't work. Anyway, I'm not doing this to make money, I'd like to start a consumer movement to expose these fruit loops for what they are - scammers!!!So you'll start to see more blogs about this stuff starting with the home based business reviewers. In addition, post comments on the ones that are rip offs and help people understand the truth, and if it gets big enough maybe we can start an action group to start lobbying for legislation to regulate these so called opportunities - thanks for reading!!!

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